Vision & Mission

Our Vision

The main vision of Cambridge Overseas International School to imparten integral education that is global based on strong foundation of Indian Tradition, Culture and Value. Cambridge Overseas International School focuses on All-Around achievemnt each student potential, Academically, Emotionally, Socially.

Our Mission

Education is the apprenticeship of life, our prime mission is--

  • To imbibe a perfect blend of Anglo and Vedic, traditional and innovative system of education.
  • To impart quality, scientific and value-based education.
  • To train our students into technologically fluent luminous-beings so that they become global citizens with cosmopolitan vision.
  • To ensure balanced harmonious and multi-dimensional development of the students so that they are able to grab global opportunities.
  • To provide a conducive environment for the physical, emotional, intellectual, ethical and aesthetical growth of personality of students.